Sunday 1 December 2013

Reflection on Blog Creation

There are multiple skills and knowledge I have acquired through this course such as coming up with a new blog, writing summary and suggestions about the successful entrepreneurs that I admired. The entrepreneurship mindset should be seen in every people, especially students. In creating my blog, I feel that these exercises compelled me to find inspiration from so many various sources, subsequently building on my imaginative capacity as well as my practical knowledge. Therefore, I feel I have gained and developed many skills in terms of my own personal creativity and development.
At the beginning of creating the blog, it was difficult and sometimes I am very frustrating. It was hard to find some information that is required to create the post of the blog, and I did not have any idea to do it at that time. In the end, through many ways like going to library and surfing internet, I managed to find some information that I need. I learnt that it is important to do some preparation before doing some important tasks. In the future I will prepare well before doing any task.
I also had to research a variety of sources such as academic journals and key texts. This at first felt overwhelming. My tutor/lecturer gave me some targeted references and I also asked the library staff for support in accessing the information I required. I learnt that asking for help can be a good thing.
It has been a time consuming process needing much focus and commitment. At first, I thought everything would be straightforward and that I could manage my time, but it was hard to juggle between my study time and assignment time. To keep myself on track I constructed action plans for creating the blog and the posts. At the beginning of each week I would make a daily plan of what I hoped to achieve and how I would do it. Then I ticked off each task as achieved. This helped me to finish some important tasks that consume more time. So throughout this process I have learnt to be self-disciplined, organized and become better at time management. These are clearly needed for future employment.
Through creating my creative blog, I not only became inspired by other practitioners, but felt I gradually began to find my own style in terms of composition and construction of narrative. The dissertation process has been an important journey for me in which I have developed my independent learning. It has, however, been challenging at times.
The information itself needed to be interpreted which required critical and analytical skills. I keep having to return to my initial question to avoid missing the point. At times I felt that I was not getting anywhere. I now understand that this is all part of doing assignment and, over time, I discovered some interesting themes.
To conclude, the dissertation assignment has improved my confidence in my ability, through producing a lengthy piece of work. I feel it has effectively concluded the academic phase, and I am excited and motivated by the prospect of getting good marks in this course.
Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thanks lecturer, Professor Madya Habshah Binti Bakar for your guidance, support and advices during this project.

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong

“Keep on working hard and don’t give up”
Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong
Malaysian billionaire tycoon Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong has died at the age of 90, following a short illness, leaving an estimated US$4.3 billion fortune. The tycoon handed over the running of an empire with interests in property, power generation, plantations, papers manufacturing and information technology. Genting's Hong Kong-listed subsidiary, Star Cruises, is the third-largest cruise operator in the world, while the group also controls Britain's biggest casino operator Stanley Leisure. He was a successful entrepreneur in Malaysia, even in the world.
In the first article “Southeast Asian Capitalists” shown that the sources of wealth of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is as diverse as his background. Tan Sri Lim, who hailed from China's Fujian province, was forced to leave school at the age of 16, after his father died, and began selling vegetable seeds to support his family. In 1937, he left Fujian for what was then British-controlled Malaya, where he dabbled in a host of businesses ranging from selling machinery to building and tin mining. Tan Sri Lim, who did not speak English and conversed with Malaysia's political elite in colloquial Malay, came up with the idea of a hilltop resort while working on a hydroelectric project in 1963. In the end, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong received “Entrepreneurs of the Year” awards in 1985 for outstanding performance and contributions to the Malaysian economy.
Next, “Entrepreneurial Network in Malaysia” mentions that networking is very important in determining the success and survival of a business. Networking also allows entrepreneurs to access to various resources and opportunities that contribute to business growth. Entrepreneurs often need political connections to develop their enterprises, obtain license, and building business opportunities. Lim Goh Tong, the former Chairman of Genting Group, first developed a strong reputation through construction business, and then it could be argued that he obtained his casino operation license through his close relationship with the late Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman.
The last article is “Insight of Chinese Economics Culture”. In this article, his eventual success was attributed to his entrepreneurial spirit, and he gave an insight into his style in his recent autobiography. "The Genting project fitted my idea of an ideal business," he wrote. "No one was interested in it, which meant no competition." When Lim Goh Tong came to Malaysia, he already shows the hallmark of a true champion. His weakness in language did not stop him in his negotiation of all of his business contracts. As a result of generosity, he gained more respect from others, include me. "He is a model of success, starting from scratch, and his achievements came through hard work" said Tan Sri William Cheng, who controls Malaysia's diversified Lion Group of companies.
Over the last four decades, entrepreneurship has become an increasingly important in Malaysia, even at global. It is perceived as necessary for growth, differentiation, and competitive advantage at the firm, regional, and national levels. Entrepreneurship appeals mainly to leaders and top management teams of small and large firms who use creativity and innovative to create, deliver, and capture value for their stakeholders. Entrepreneurship also appeals to personnel of regional economic development agencies that attract investments in productive market and economic growth. While the late of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong had show us that opportunity recognition, prior experience, cognitive, creativity, social network and information acquisition are important in developing successful entrepreneurship behavior.